Arts and Sciences

We in the Canton of Grey Gargoyles participate in a wide variety of Arts & Sciences of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, including dance, cooking, instrumental and vocal music, brewing and vinting, making clothing, spinning and weaving, armoring, painting, calligraphy and illumination, pewter casting, leather-work, and many other diverse works.

Three of our members have received the accolade of the Laurel, the SCA’s highest recognition of excellence in Arts & Sciences:

  • Amelie d’Anjou for Music,
  • Thomas Penyngton for Mead-making and Diverse 14th Century Studies, and
  • Sarafina Sinclair for Elizabethan Costuming

To learn more about our activities and for contacts for particular activities, please contact our Minister for Arts & Sciences, Lady Lady Alys of Grey Gargoyles (greygargoyles.chatelaine at A&S activities are currently being planned for every other week and will be held on weeknights at the University of Chicago.

The Shire of Grey Gargoyles is a part of the Barony of Ayreton. Click here to find Arts and Sciences activities all over the greater Ayreton area.