Present – Helewyse, Etienne, Loretta, Alice, Zygar, Milan/Samii, Siobhan, Bones.
Seneschal – I was late with my report. Be aware that kingdom is being fussy, with exchequer.
Exchequer – We need to do a review of the books, scheduled for all souls. Currently $2486, check for storage still needs to clear, still need a check from camp. Alice and Zygar need a check for the demo. Receipts will be handed in after demo. Once everything is tallied, $2200 and change. Discussion about future handling of grey gargoyles camp and storage will be deferred until Sarafina can visit.
Webminister – we still have a website, report was sent on time. We should have the new email set up by the end of the year. Old (personal) email addresses are currently still listed.
Samii was in competition and Siobhan is making stuff and report was filed almost on time. Alice has pewter to make pewter stuff with. A pewter day will be scheduled soon.
Herald –
Deputy reports, stupid reason that device didn’t pass last time. Suggested a border and move the line of division. Motion to make changes as suggested passed.
Archery – doing individual things
Knights Marshall
– Continue to have practice, no-one has been hurt, filed report on time. Had a new guy come out today.
Student rep –
have we had any contact with Dylan or any student rep? No we need to organize dates/times to clear out storage unit and store elsewhere. Maybe we’ll find another student.
Chatelaine and demo in Joliet –
Need to know – what our square footage is? Need to know for fighters and for setting up tent? Do I need a list field or should I have martials at the perimeter. Can we set up tents with stakes or pop ups only. Is there a secure storage location if we drop it off the night before. Sir Dru may have free standing list ropes. Used to use them at practice. Master Janos might have them.
Heavy fighters 4 or 5 maybe more, couple rapier fighters. Keep pressure up to get people to turn up to the event. At least 3 bards willing to show up. I have photocopies for kids. Children under 12 are allowed to hit knights with boffer, Acelina is also a youth marshal. Bring a spare helmet guantlets for kids to try on. What time do they start letting us in? Do our volunteers have to pay? What is the bug out time? How many tables can fit under the sheltered area, controlled area? Rather than out in the field. We can segregate A&S vs fighting. How big was it last time 1000 people or 1000 families. Are there going to be food vendors or do we need to consider packing food. Water Gatorade needs to be provided to fighters. List of resources available to the group meetings and activities in the area.
Stone Dog 2018 – Dori and Steven volunteered to co-autocrat. Sami will be in charge of feast. Siobhan volunteered for classes. Date for 2018 is not fixed. Aiming for first weekend in April (April 7th), no calendar at the church yet. Helewyse offered to PR. April 21st may be the alternative date.
Crown tourney – Milan made motion to borrow banners, motion passed. MoAS asking for projects to display a coronation. October 21st (Sat). Bring banners, information on Carrag Ban website.
When is a demo a Canton demo? When is it a household demo? There is no problem if a household wishes to demo fighting, however, it has to be completely independent (with no canton equipment or officers) OR it needs to follow SCA rules. It has to be one thing or the other. We need to be careful of this as it potentially exposes the SCA to liability risk.