From Mistress Helewyse:
Reminder – next business meeting is next Sunday, March 6th at 2pm, I promise it will be brief (and I’ll try to be on time this time). Same location as the fight practice.
From Mistress Helewyse:
Reminder – next business meeting is next Sunday, March 6th at 2pm, I promise it will be brief (and I’ll try to be on time this time). Same location as the fight practice.
Grey Gargoyles February Meeting Minutes 2/7/2016
Officer Reports
Seneschal – Helewyse
Exchequer – Haelga
Marshal – Thomas
Chatelaine – Siobhán
A&S – Siobhán
Archery – Siobhán
Student Rep – Siobhán reporting for Elo and Adam
Web Minister – Haelga reporting for Samii
Herald – Etienne
Stone Dog
Budget Proposed:
$200 on pewter
$200 on prizes
$100 on printing
$700 on lunch and feast
$1200 total
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
120-150 people expected, all for lunch, 80 for feast
Budget voted on and approved
Cast of Characters:
Autocrat – Etienne
Feastocrat – Samii – Siobhán kitchen minion
Lunch Mistress – Helewyse – will also be helping with feast
Rapier Marshal – (soon to be) Master de Cecil
Tournament of the Courtier – Master John Inchingham
Troll – Haelga – working with Loretta and Bojei
Games and Pawn Shop – still need people to work shifts
Boffer – Kenneth and Susan
Merch Coordinator – Thomas
Brute Squad – Clovenshield
Dance and rapier pickups will have to occur outside, assuming it is nice out.
Schedule (ish) – The full schedule will be drawn up and given to the Webminister shortly
8 am – workers arrive – breakfast for workers discussed as incentive to arrive early
9am – site opens, inspections, etc
9:45 – Tournament of the Courtier starts
10 – Games and rapier tournament
11:30 – 12 – break for lunch. Lunch concert (Viento Antiguo, Baron’s Noyse, Pippins to be asked)
Once tables are set up in the gym for lunch, they can stay up the rest of the day for activities, feast, court, etc.
1-2 Bardic competition – part of Tournament of Courtier – in the sanctuary?
2-3 Speaking competition – part of Tournament of Courtier – in the sanctuary?
3 Tavern brawl in the gym
4 Games and pawn close
4:30 Baronial court
5 get out of the sanctuary, church services start at 6
5:30 Feast!
7-9 Auction
Pre-reg – We may not have Paypal access, so will have to have checks
Concert – Emilysue may be able to serve as Concert Mistress
New Business
A local boy scout troup, #599, has built a catapult and wishes to test it on some local fighters
-Emails will be sent to the Chatelaine and Marshal to find out more details on the catapult
and the demo desired.
Gargoyles Pennsic Encampment
-Funds requested to maintain locker with GG Pennsic items – Approved $400
-Shannon, former Gargoylean, will be land-o-crat
-Still some space in the locker for personal items